Our team is developing a network monitoring system, a solution similar to CISCO's openSOC. The data from network sensors consume the corresponding Kafka topic. Stream data processing based on Spring Kafka + Kafka Stream solutions. In the base case, the monitoring system should detect unexpected events or anomalies and spikes in the network activity, etc. In a general context, anomaly detection is any method for finding events that don’t conform to an expectation. In our days using thresholds, heuristics remains a reliable way of detecting anomalies and is easy to implement. How do we set the threshold? Could some users require a higher threshold than others? How frequently do we need to update the threshold? Could an attacker exfiltrate data by taking over many user accounts, thus requiring a smaller number of accesses per account? Let's take a look at the pros and cons of some of the approaches our team tried to implement.
How to deploy Debezium plugin to Kafka Connect
· 4 min read